Tuesday, May 27, 2014

#Asianas #Tropical #Boutique in #OB

William Hesselbacher (@WHesselbacher) tweeted at 2:19 PM on Tue, May 27, 2014: White sand beach in the #Philippines http://t.co/EuRzDR83AL (https://twitter.com/WHesselbacher/status/471400209520803840) Get the official Twitter app at https://twitter.com/download

Sunday, March 23, 2014

knowYou Never Know

I wrote my book on my sailboat in San Diego printed 100 pages @staples & handed them out to other boaters for feedback they loved the story & encouraged me to publish is like a movie they told me when I thought it was ready to publish I went to the local writers guild met a writing coach who helped me make it more professional if he could be listed as the editor it is now with a veteran screen writer and too famous movie producers for review just last week all happened so that is why I say you never know

Saturday, March 22, 2014


When you meet a stranger & pitch your book you don't know who they know my book has been translated to a screen play format & presented to movie producers he lived next door to Bob Dylan I never knew

Friday, March 21, 2014


If you retreet for someone to try to help them and they don't do the same for you block them they are just using you even a thanks is not good enough especially prevent in the book marketing industry

Thursday, March 20, 2014

American Dreams

Something I'M wished I knew a long time ago If you have a dream of doing something try it while you can even if you fail you will not regret it the rest of your life going forward good luck to you

New Indies & tweet relationships

I warned you in my tweet to beware of tweets to followers I learn ed the hard way I have only averaged 3-4 tweets a day in almost 2 years till I figured out my mistake I was tweeting other authors who saw me as a competior little help from them figured out a new method doubled my followers last 2 weeks